Visiting and access to Warriston
Warriston Allotments is managed by Edinburgh City Council and rented to mostly local residents who grow fruit and vegetables for their own use. While the communal/environmental aspects of the site cannot be underestimated, these plots are highly personal, often a refuge, to those who garden them. The site locked and is not open to the public. While we welcome those interested in allotments, any educational/research visits must be pre-arranged with WAA, Warriston Allotments Association.
The WAA is a volunteer group of plot holders who represent the site and support its day to day workings. Visits are entirely dependent on the availability of plot holders. Note that it is more difficult to recruit volunteers to manage visits during winter months when there are far fewer plot holders on site.
Access to the site is by appointment only and dependent on the following:
Those wishing to visit must first contact the association on:
[email protected]
Details are required well in advance of the visit. These include:
1. Times 2. Dates 3. Names 4. Numbers 4. Reason for visiting
One-off entry is usually straightforward to obtain, though is dependent on a volunteer key holder being available.
Multiple entry for groups/individuals wishing to visit over a period of time is more difficult owing to the practicalities of arranging for a volunteer key holder to be present at each time of entry. WAA cannot guarantee such visits will always be possible as these put both students and plot holders in a unmanageable position.
Without a proper arrangement in place, visitors should not linger at the gate unannounced, waiting for a key holder to let them in. This puts pressure and responsibility on plot holders. However justified the reason to enter may be, there are many aspects to this that become problematic once visitors are in e.g. How do they get out? What happens if all key holders have left the site for the day? What does a visitor do in case of accident and who is responsible?
Supervision on site:
Visitors must be in contact with a key holder for the duration of their visit. At no time should individual plots be entered without permission from the relevant plot holder.
All large student groups must be supervised by a member of the institution arranging the visit.
Smaller groups should contact WAA to find out whether a key holder is available to look after them at the time they request.
Staff planning a course or educational activity related to Warriston please be aware that, while we gladly accommodate such visits where possible, it must not be assumed that students will subsequently be able to access the site on demand or at times requested.