Roving Reports
Survey 2017: ideas & suggestions
Thanks to all 30 plot holders who responded to our first site survey. Thanks also to plot holder Esme Clelland for setting this up and collating the information.
The items listed were included or suggested by plot holders—we have included initial responses from the committee.
If you have any further comments to make on any of the following please don't hesitate to get in touch through this website's contact form or via [email protected] :
The items listed were included or suggested by plot holders—we have included initial responses from the committee.
If you have any further comments to make on any of the following please don't hesitate to get in touch through this website's contact form or via [email protected] :
- Information on birds and the surrounding environment could be posted in the cottage (worth checking out the Warriston website for a building archive on this—see Pest or Guest).
- Bike stands: a third of respondents would use these.
- Safe storage for tools (the cottage is already available—the gate key works for this building too).
- More NO tipping signs and watchful eyes against dumping rubbish.
- Cutting back vegetation on the way to the east side drop off point. Plot holders are reminded they are responsible for the outer boundaries of their own plots.
- Regular grass cutting and tree pruning: these are both the responsibility of plot holders in relation to paths that border their plots. Volunteers are welcome to join planned ‘tidy up’ days to help with communal maintenance.
- Improve communal leaf mould area: this is on our list of things to do this year.
- Other site maintenance. All of the following are the responsibility of the council: security, better fencing, drainage, taps, large tree felling, waste bins and maintenance of walls and existing amenities. The committee liaises with the city’s allotment officer to arrange maintenance of the above.
- Scrap metal removal days: we’ve discussed the possibility of a skip—please get in touch if that is of interest.
- Restoring the cottage: something for future funding on a grand scale.
- Education and training: we are hoping to create a communal area for this, see below.
- Communal area for sitting or nature walk: we are looking the possibility of restoring the woodland area and possibly the fenced area at the car park.
- Communal activities: the plant sale was a great success and we can build on that.
- Bees: very good response to this with eight people interested in helping with maintenance and all the rest, except one with a minor reservation, keen to have hives on site. A plot holder is undertaking a bee keeping course now and we hope to set up two hives next year on a trial basis.
- A toilet: can’t have flushing as there is no mains drainage, and there is the tricky issue of ongoing maintenance and cleaning. So, despite this being a popular request, this looks unlikely in the near future.
- Planting more trees: we’re looking to remove trees first, but are open to tree planting when and if that becomes appropriate.
- Electricity will not be a feature of the site. Plot holders are advised to use solar power on their shed roofs etc if power is required.
- Asphalt and Perspex purchase will remain up to each individual plot holder, but wood chip is continually sought for communal use.