Remove or recycle?
Rubbish Removal
Plots can be full of old rubbish. Sheds beyond repair, glass windows, shopping trollies, tangled balls of netting, broken bricks, corrugated iron, buckets with holes—at times it can seem never ending. We currently enjoy a weekly Council rubbish collection from the communal bin at the main gate. This service is free and so long as we don't allow the bin to overflow, fill it with the wrong stuff and keep the area around it clear, it will continue. We are in the enviable position, thanks to plot holders sticking to the guidelines, of having a really great service. If you have something too big or inappropriate for the communal bin, you must arrange to remove it from the site yourself. The Seafield Recycling Centre will take most items and is open to cars seven days a week, by appointment only: Edinburgh city dump information and opening times. In the spring there is a scrap metal collection , watch the notice boards for information. Recycle what you can. Can you mend that old fence? Or find a way of re-using a pile of ancient bricks? Send us your recycling tips/photos for the website. Ask your neighbours and fellow plot holders if they can use any of your unwanted items. Perhaps you can exchange them for things you need such as plant cuttings or seedlings? |