Warriston Allotments Association Constitution
The group (constituted April, 2014) shall be known as Warriston Allotments Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association). This constitution was updated in 2016 and again in 2021.
To represent and promote the interests of plot holders, in accordance with the Association Site Rules and the City Council’s Missive of Let.
To foster good relationships with residential neighbours and local statutory and non-statutory bodies.
To organise and carry out relevant maintenance (in liaison with Edinburgh City Council) and general up-keep of the site known as Warriston Allotments (eg paths around plots, weeding area around car park etc).
To promote the growing of fruit and vegetables throughout the year and to stimulate healthy recreation along with mental and physical exercise.
To encourage a socially inclusive community.
N.B. The Association is non-political and non-discriminatory.
To carry out any activity in furtherance of the objectives.
Membership of the Association will consist of all rent paying plot holders and supporting partners of plot holders at Warriston Allotments.
Office Bearers and Management Committee
The management of the Association shall be vested in a management committee consisting of office bearers and ideally, a minimum of four ordinary members of the Association.
The office bearers of the Association are: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer.
Members of the committee shall be announced at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). They shall be committee members for at least one year and are eligible to continue in this position for longer if there are no objections.
The committee shall meet at regular intervals on at least six occasions throughout the year.
Chairing of Meetings
The Chair, or in their absence, a nominated person, shall chair all committee meetings.
Three members of the committee form a quorum.
Annual General Meeting
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association shall be held each year, at which time a statement of accounts shall be submitted, new committee members announced, and any other competent business transacted. Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given with details clearly displayed on all site notice boards. Plot holders can join the committee at any time during the year, and announced as an ordinary member of the committee at the AGM.
Special Meetings
The committee shall have the power to call a Special General Meeting (SGM) of the Association at any time for any specific purpose.
Attendance at AGMs and SGMs
All members of the Association will be encouraged to attend and shall be made welcome. For any matters requiring a majority decision there will be one vote allowed per whole or half plot, only members in attendance shall be eligible to vote and the representatives of whole and half plots will have equal voting rights.
Accounts and finance
A bank account is held in the name of the Association. The management committee can authorise two members of the management committee (one of whom shall be the treasurer) to sign cheques, or make online purchases, on behalf of the Association. Two authorised signatories must sign all cheques.
The treasurer shall keep a ledger of all monies received and expended by and on behalf of the Association. A statement of accounts will be presented at each Annual General Meeting that shall have been independently verified by a suitably competent person in accordance with standard financial practice.
All monies raised by or on behalf of the Association shall be applied to further the objectives of the Association.
Amendments to the Constitution
Amendments to the constitution may be authorised by the attending members of an AGM.
Dissolution of the Association
In the event of winding up or dissolution of the Association, a Special General Meeting shall be held to formally dissolve the Association. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the association, but be given or transferred to another allotment site. No member shall gain from the dissolution of the Association.
To represent and promote the interests of plot holders, in accordance with the Association Site Rules and the City Council’s Missive of Let.
To foster good relationships with residential neighbours and local statutory and non-statutory bodies.
To organise and carry out relevant maintenance (in liaison with Edinburgh City Council) and general up-keep of the site known as Warriston Allotments (eg paths around plots, weeding area around car park etc).
To promote the growing of fruit and vegetables throughout the year and to stimulate healthy recreation along with mental and physical exercise.
To encourage a socially inclusive community.
N.B. The Association is non-political and non-discriminatory.
To carry out any activity in furtherance of the objectives.
Membership of the Association will consist of all rent paying plot holders and supporting partners of plot holders at Warriston Allotments.
Office Bearers and Management Committee
The management of the Association shall be vested in a management committee consisting of office bearers and ideally, a minimum of four ordinary members of the Association.
The office bearers of the Association are: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer.
Members of the committee shall be announced at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). They shall be committee members for at least one year and are eligible to continue in this position for longer if there are no objections.
The committee shall meet at regular intervals on at least six occasions throughout the year.
Chairing of Meetings
The Chair, or in their absence, a nominated person, shall chair all committee meetings.
Three members of the committee form a quorum.
Annual General Meeting
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association shall be held each year, at which time a statement of accounts shall be submitted, new committee members announced, and any other competent business transacted. Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given with details clearly displayed on all site notice boards. Plot holders can join the committee at any time during the year, and announced as an ordinary member of the committee at the AGM.
Special Meetings
The committee shall have the power to call a Special General Meeting (SGM) of the Association at any time for any specific purpose.
Attendance at AGMs and SGMs
All members of the Association will be encouraged to attend and shall be made welcome. For any matters requiring a majority decision there will be one vote allowed per whole or half plot, only members in attendance shall be eligible to vote and the representatives of whole and half plots will have equal voting rights.
Accounts and finance
A bank account is held in the name of the Association. The management committee can authorise two members of the management committee (one of whom shall be the treasurer) to sign cheques, or make online purchases, on behalf of the Association. Two authorised signatories must sign all cheques.
The treasurer shall keep a ledger of all monies received and expended by and on behalf of the Association. A statement of accounts will be presented at each Annual General Meeting that shall have been independently verified by a suitably competent person in accordance with standard financial practice.
All monies raised by or on behalf of the Association shall be applied to further the objectives of the Association.
Amendments to the Constitution
Amendments to the constitution may be authorised by the attending members of an AGM.
Dissolution of the Association
In the event of winding up or dissolution of the Association, a Special General Meeting shall be held to formally dissolve the Association. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the association, but be given or transferred to another allotment site. No member shall gain from the dissolution of the Association.